
TKH Colors

It is important that The Knowledge Hub Universities maintains consistency in its visual brand identity across all media types and materials.

Primary Colors Palette

TKH Primary Colors

These are our four primary colors which define the brand identity. Use the orange color across all brand materials. It is the main color that represents the brand.


Secondary Colors Palette

  TKH Secondary Colors

Secondary colors should never be used on their own, they need to complement our primary orange color and be used accordingly.

The Knowledge Hub_Logo-03
Co - Branding English New-02
The Knowledge Hub_Logo
final innovation hub logo original
The Knowledge Hub_Logo-03
Co - Branding English New-02
The Knowledge Hub_Logo
final innovation hub logo original
The Knowledge Hub_Logo-03
The Knowledge Hub_Logo-03
Co - Branding English New-02
The Knowledge Hub_Logo
final innovation hub logo original
The Knowledge Hub_Logo-03
Co - Branding English New-02
The Knowledge Hub_Logo
final innovation hub logo original
The Knowledge Hub_Logo-03